Oral and Maxillofacial Blog


Oral Tumors: How are they diagnosed and what is the treatment?


Jaw tumors are rare growths or lesions that form on the jaw or soft tissues of the mouth and face.

Tumors and cysts of the jaw, sometimes called odontogenic tumors and cysts, can vary greatly in size and severity, these growths are generally benign, but can be aggressive and invade surrounding bones and tissues, and travel to the teeth .



  • Hereditary
  • Congenital
  • Traumatic

  • Embryonic

Tumor Bucal



How to deal with oral tumors

The diagnostic procedures that the doctor performs on patients suffering from oral tumors, have the objective of obtaining more information about it and to know what treatment they should receive. The procedures can be:


Diagnostic Studies:

Estos se realizan por medio de imágenes como radiografías, TC o IRM.


A sample of cells from the tumor or cyst is removed for laboratory tests.

As soon as the results are obtained, a treatment can be suggested, which varies, depending on the type of lesion, the growth stage and the symptoms, although it generally involves surgical intervention and later oncological treatment if it is carcinogenic.

During surgery, the tumor or cyst in the jaw, which may include nearby teeth, tissue, and the jaw, is removed and sent to the laboratory for examination.


Other treatments may include reconstruction of the jaw or other structures, drug treatment for certain types of tumors and cysts of the jaw, as well as supportive care to help maintain a better quality of life, including assistance with nutrition, speech , swallowing and replacement of missing teeth.

It is worth mentioning that it is very important that if there is any abnormality in the mouth, it is important be seen on time with a Maxillofacial Surgeon, acting as soon as possible can save a patient's life.


Writen by: Dr. Jorge Rodríguez CisnerosDR. JORGE RODRÍGUEZ CISNEROS


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